About this site & a little about me


My name is Marcus here, or Mark there. No matter, I answer to both. I have done many things, some with sufficient craft to be considered well and good. Other things, with different priorities, were done well enough. My current and past incarnations, in no particular order, include Software Developer, Ditch Digger, House Painter, Construction Grunt, Concrete Mixer, Chanterelle Picker, Vagabond, and Photographer. The intrepid adventurer in me is always looking and always exploring. My interests encompass art, ideas, books, people, places, and things.

My Art Practice

Graphic re-mixing is my art practice. I draw upon mathematics, my photography, graphics, and my own sketches as elements in the production of single, finished works. I use digital tools such as Photoshop, Inkscape, and Illustrator to create my designs.

I render these designs into distinct mediums such as paper, paint, cloth, wood, metal, and 3D prints.

The material properties of each medium often contribute to new ways of rendering. I am always exploring unique techniques and materials for manifesting these designs.

Experimenting with the layering and juxtaposition of my images provides me with an opportunity to develop new works and attach different meanings to existing pieces.

In essence, my work is about iconifying nature's provided forms.   


I am always available for creative discussions, or perhaps just a walk and a chat. Life is a discovery full of possibilities yet unknown.